ISO and Grain
The third element that affects the exposure triangle is ISO. ISO refers to the film/sensor's sensitivity to light. The higher the ISO...

Shutter Speed and the Sense of Movement
Shutter speed refers to the amount of time a camera's shutter opens and allows light to flow in onto the sensor. This, along with the...

Aperture Choice and Depth of Field
The aperture is the opening through which light enters the camera. If you haven't read my post regarding the exposure triangle, I...

The Exposure Triangle
Photography is all about light. The word is even derived from Greek roots which basically mean "drawing with light." In order to create a...

Fantasy Photoshoot
The other day I've collaborated on a Lord of the Rings inspired photoshoot with the talented makeup artist Tehilla Marek, the amazing...

4 Tips for Taking Self-Portraits
Although the term "selfie" is a modern-day term, self portraits are, in fact, not a new thing. Artist throughout the ages drew, painted...

3 Tips to Improve Your Portraiture Without Spending on Expensive Gear
Photographers love accumulating gear and so it's easy to assume that the only way to capture good portraits is with a state of the art...

Embrace the Rain
Often photographers find that they enjoy shooting in great weather when circumstances are optimal, yet when it's rainy and cold outside,...

Photography Projects for 2018
Back in 2012 after returning from a long and amazing round-the-world trip during which I've had many incredible photographic...

What's Your Favorite Lens?
When I began photographing, I'd always shoot with my Nikon 18-135mm lens. It's very versatile and I never had to worry about not being...