ISO and Grain
The third element that affects the exposure triangle is ISO. ISO refers to the film/sensor's sensitivity to light. The higher the ISO...

Shutter Speed and the Sense of Movement
Shutter speed refers to the amount of time a camera's shutter opens and allows light to flow in onto the sensor. This, along with the...

Aperture Choice and Depth of Field
The aperture is the opening through which light enters the camera. If you haven't read my post regarding the exposure triangle, I...

5 Ways to Improve Your Portraiture Now
Often while enjoying a positive experience we take photos and expect them to give viewers a feel for our experience, yet when we see the...

Is Editing Your Photos Cheating?
There's an age-old debate of whether editing your photos is cheating or a necessary part of the photography work flow and even a critical...

How to Shoot Dramatic Portraits Using a Single Light Source
How to achieve a dramatic lighting effect using only one strobe and an umbrella. Great setup to try if you're new to flash photography!