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Photography Projects for 2018

Back in 2012 after returning from a long and amazing round-the-world trip during which I've had many incredible photographic opportunities, I found myself in a photography rut. I just couldn't find anything I was interested in photographing anymore. I'd lost my inspiration and my photography stagnated.

On January 1st 2013 I was messaging a photographer friend I've had the privilege of meeting during my travels and he recommended I try a 365 project. A 365 project means that you take a photo every day. It doesn't matter what picture. It doesn't matter whether it's a portrait, landscape, street photo or a picture of your breakfast. The only thing that matters is that you're consistent and take a picture every day.

I recall my friend telling me that the first month will be very hard and I should try a new technique such as macro to help me have an easier time finding a subject. The beginning was a bit hard, but what the project taught me was how to see everything around me. I began seeing in frames. After the first couple of days, it became part of my routine and I had a much easier time finding photo ideas. They're all around us all the time!

I ended up doing 3 years of 365 projects and I've learned a lot. During that time I've also joined a project called 52 Frames which has a new photography challenge every week based on a weekly theme. In 2016 I focused on a weekly portrait project.

Now that 2017 is coming to an end, it is a good time to think of ways to improve your photography. I recommend trying a photography challenge for 2018. Make sure you commit to a project you're likely to be able to keep up with.

The pictures in this article are from my previous years' photography projects. As you can see, they aren't limited to one style or subject.

Have a great 2018 and keep up the good light!



© 2019 by Yehonathan Elozory Photography

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