Embrace the Rain
Often photographers find that they enjoy shooting in great weather when circumstances are optimal, yet when it's rainy and cold outside, they choose to stay in the warm indoors.

One of my favorite times to take pictures is while it's raining. The water gives everything a beautiful appearance and people's expressions tend to look more natural, as they are less composed while trying to combat the rain.
Try taking longer exposures of the rain and capture flowing streaks of rain, or take short exposures in order to get sharp pictures of the rain drops. I really enjoy finding a good spot that can be used as a background and then I wait for an interesting subject to enter the frame.
Here are some photos I've shot in the rain. Hopefully they'll inspire you to take your own pictures in the rain.

And here's one I took right after the rain.

Get out there and take some rainy pictures!
Keep up the good light!